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  Nova Scotia Egg Produccers 



Below are some resources to help you create more walkable communities that are designed for walking and active transportation.  


Shaping Healthy Active Communities Toolkit

The Heart and Stroke Foundation has developed a toolkit, workshops for communities and presentations. These resources will help individuals and organizations who are interested in making their communities supportive of physical activity and active transportation through active, healthy community design.




Green Mobility Strategy 

The Green Mobility Strategy from the Ecology Action Centre outlines a series of action steps needed to improve sustainable passenger transportation in Nova Scotia.

This resource also helps decision-makers reach the province's goal for reducing greenhouse gas emissions as set out in the Environmental Goals and Sustainable Prosperity Act.


Walk 21 International Charter for Walking

Walk 21 aims to respond to the growing demand for a partnership of the world's policy makers, researchers and practitioners to:

  • Confirm the importance of walking issues at political and policy levels
  • Provide an international platform for an inclusive discussion
  • Acknowledge the research, practice and promotion undertaken so far and to highlight best practice
  • Identify the need for future research and opportunities for funding future networking

Active Living By Design

Active Living by Design is a national program of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and was established to create and promote environments that make it safe and convenient for people to be more physically active. Active Living By Design offers a collection of downloadable tools, guides and how-to manuals that provide assistance to help create and support an active living environment.


Model Active Transportation Policy

Walkabout has developed a model active transportation policy for Nova Scotian municipalities and communities.  It is a broad policy that has been developed so that it can be adapted to individual communities. This policy is based on Complete Streets and is designed so that roads are examined based on the needs of all groups (walkers, cars, public transportation).