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Canada's Physical Activity Guidelines

Did you know that 85% of Canadians are not meeting Canada's physical activity guidelines?

On January 24, 2011, the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) announced the new Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines.  The new guidelines state children (5 - 11 years) and youth (12 - 17 years) require at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity activity per day while adults (18-64 years) and older adults (65 years and older) must get at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity per week.  Importantly, Canadians should try and exceed the minimum activity thresholds as the greater the variety, intensity and duration of the physical activity, the greater the health benefit. 

These guidelines are the result of over four years of research analysis funded by several groups including the Public Health Agency of Canada.  They provide clear and concise instructions and tips for Canadians to achieve required levels of physical activity.

Click below on links to PDFs of the guidelines for the various age groups:

Children (5 - 11 years)




Youth (12 - 17 years)




Adults (18 - 64 years)




Older Adults (65+)